Monday, September 27, 2010

Making Yogurt

Some people love yogurt. For them it is rich in nutrients and vitamins. Yogurt is simply milk jelled to a pudding consistency by certain acid-forming bacteria growing in it.
Yogurt is made from sweet milk, not sour, but has a characteristic sour taste that blends lusciously with the natural sugar of fruit.

Yogurt is a dairy dessert without added fats, sugars, and calories of ice cream. Essentially, it contains the same calories, proteins, minerals, and other nutrients as milk.

Photo credit: Google


  1. Scald utensils to be used with boiling water.
  1. Prepare the milk. Start with 1 quart. Use pasteurized-homogenized, dry or evaporated milk, reconstitute with warm water. If using skim or non fat dry milk, add at least a little whole milk for a thicker culture.

  2. Add the starter. Buy 1 container of plain commercial yogurt. Stir ¼ to 1/3 cup yogurt into 1 cup prepared milk and stir or shake briskly. Pour milk into scalded jars and fasten lids loosely.
  1. Incubate the mixture at 110-120 degrees by any of these methods:
-Use a yogurt maker.
-Set jars into Styrofoam ice chest.
-Fill chest with warm water. (110-120 degrees) to top of the jars; cover. Add warm water as needed within next few hours to keep temperature up.
-Set jars into warm oven and turn off heat. Leaving oven light on maybe exactly the right temperature. Check with thermometer.
-Set jars on rack in large pan of warm water on the stove; occasionally turn heat on briefly. Or set pan over pilot light.
-Set jars in pan of warm water, cover and wrap all in a blanket or set jars on top of your refrigerator and cover with a towel.

5. Check consistency. Yogurt should not be moved while it is setting. Checking in 2
to 3 hours, and every half hour after that. Usually 3 to 6 hours is needed for junket-like consistency. Refrigerate. Save ¼ cup to start next batch. Yogurt stays tasty in the refrigerator 1 to 2 weeks.
  1. Serve yogurt.
-with any fresh, frozen canned fruits.
-blended with frozen fruit and honey and freeze
-with honey or molasses
-sprinkled with wheat germ or granola
-as a low-calorie sour cream substitute in salads, salad dressings, casseroles, or on baked potatoes.
-accompanying hot spicy dishes, especially curries.

Always add fruit, sugar or honey to yogurt with a folding motion. Stirring or beating breaks down gel.

Source: Cooking with a Cause cook book       

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