Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Homemade Bagels

In-between meal is the favorite of my youngest son. He always wants to eat bread, cakes and other baked products. I had discovered another recipe which made him amazed when he had tasted this. So, I used to bake this twice a week because this is his favorite food.

Homemade Bagels
Photo credit: Google

What you need:
2 packs yeast (1 pack equal to 1 tbsp.)
3 tsp salt
2 cups warm water (about 110 degrees)
1 tsp sugar in 3 quarts of water
3 tbsp sugar
Corn meal
5 ½ to 6 cups all purpose flour
1 egg yolk, beaten with 1 tbsp water

What to do:
*In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Stir in sugar and salt; gradually mix in 4 cups of flour.
*Beat well to make a smooth batter. Mix in about 1 ¼ cups more flour to make a stiff dough.
*Turn dough onto floured board and knead until smooth and satiny (10 t0 20 minutes), adding flour as needed to prevent sticking; dough should be firmer than for most other yeast breads.
* Place dough in a greased bowl; turn over to grease top.
*Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled about 40 minutes.
*Punch dough down; knead briefly on a lightly floured board to release air, and then divide into 18 equal pieces.
*Form each piece into a smooth ball by gently kneading. Holding ball with both hand, poke your thumbs through shaping bagel like a doughnut, 2 ½ to 3 inches across.
*Place shaped bagels on a lightly floured board, cover lightly and let stand in warm place for 20 minutes.
*Bring sugar water mixture to boiling in a 4 or 5 quart pan; adjust heat to keep it boiling gently.
*Lightly grease 2 baking sheet 9at least 12 and 15 inches) and sprinkle with corn meal.
*With a slotted spatula, lift one bagel at a time and lower into water; boil 5 or 6 at a time, turning often, for 5 minutes.
*Lift out of pan, drain briefly on towel and place on baking sheet. Brush bagels with egg yolk mixture.
*Bake in a preheated 400 degrees oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until well browned and crusty. Let cool on a rack.
*Makes 18 bagels.

Vegetable Lumpia

My husband loves to eat lumpia. Every time I go to the grocery store I should include a pack of lumpia just for him.
I try to make my own menu and it has an effective result. Every time I make this menu I try to sell some to my friends and they like it. Here started my lumpia business.

Vegetable Lumpia

Photo credit: Google

Here's what you need:
1 kilo ground pork or chicken meat
½ kilo carrots
½ kilo potatoes
½ kilo sayote
salt and pepper to taste
½ cup soy sauce
3 medium onions
1 whole garlic
lumpia wrappers

What to do:
*Peel the carrots, potatoes and sayote. Wash and slice into small cubes.
*Slice the onion and garlic into very small parts.
*Heat the big pan and then add a litle oil.
*Saute the garlic and then the onion.
*Add the ground pork or the ground chicken meat.
*Add the carrots, potatoes, and sayote.
*Add the soy sauce, salt and pepper to taste.
*Cook for 15 to 20 minutes.
*Remove from heat and let it cool.
To make a vegetable lumpia,
*Put 1 tablespoon of mixture in a lumpia wrapper and then roll.
When done,
*Heat the pan, put oil for frying.
*When the oil is hot, put the rolled lumpia.
*Fry until golden brown.

Just fry a certain amount that can be consume. You can place the remaining inside the container and place it in a freezer.

Try this and you can start your own lumpia business.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Making Yogurt

Some people love yogurt. For them it is rich in nutrients and vitamins. Yogurt is simply milk jelled to a pudding consistency by certain acid-forming bacteria growing in it.
Yogurt is made from sweet milk, not sour, but has a characteristic sour taste that blends lusciously with the natural sugar of fruit.

Yogurt is a dairy dessert without added fats, sugars, and calories of ice cream. Essentially, it contains the same calories, proteins, minerals, and other nutrients as milk.

Photo credit: Google


  1. Scald utensils to be used with boiling water.
  1. Prepare the milk. Start with 1 quart. Use pasteurized-homogenized, dry or evaporated milk, reconstitute with warm water. If using skim or non fat dry milk, add at least a little whole milk for a thicker culture.

  2. Add the starter. Buy 1 container of plain commercial yogurt. Stir ¼ to 1/3 cup yogurt into 1 cup prepared milk and stir or shake briskly. Pour milk into scalded jars and fasten lids loosely.
  1. Incubate the mixture at 110-120 degrees by any of these methods:
-Use a yogurt maker.
-Set jars into Styrofoam ice chest.
-Fill chest with warm water. (110-120 degrees) to top of the jars; cover. Add warm water as needed within next few hours to keep temperature up.
-Set jars into warm oven and turn off heat. Leaving oven light on maybe exactly the right temperature. Check with thermometer.
-Set jars on rack in large pan of warm water on the stove; occasionally turn heat on briefly. Or set pan over pilot light.
-Set jars in pan of warm water, cover and wrap all in a blanket or set jars on top of your refrigerator and cover with a towel.

5. Check consistency. Yogurt should not be moved while it is setting. Checking in 2
to 3 hours, and every half hour after that. Usually 3 to 6 hours is needed for junket-like consistency. Refrigerate. Save ¼ cup to start next batch. Yogurt stays tasty in the refrigerator 1 to 2 weeks.
  1. Serve yogurt.
-with any fresh, frozen canned fruits.
-blended with frozen fruit and honey and freeze
-with honey or molasses
-sprinkled with wheat germ or granola
-as a low-calorie sour cream substitute in salads, salad dressings, casseroles, or on baked potatoes.
-accompanying hot spicy dishes, especially curries.

Always add fruit, sugar or honey to yogurt with a folding motion. Stirring or beating breaks down gel.

Source: Cooking with a Cause cook book       

Best for Snacks

Often we want a change with the snacks that we serve with our family. We want new look, new taste, and of course new acknowledgement from our family members.
I have tried one recipe which I made to change the snack that I serve to my family. This is easy to do and you can use common ingredients.

Cinnamon Rolls
Photo credit: Google

For Dough you need:                                     For Filling
1 cup water                                                       ½ cup sugar
2 tbsp.butter softened                                       1 tbsp. ground cinnamon
2 eggs                                                               ¼ cup butter or margarine
3 ½ cups bread flour                                         ¼ cup white sugar
1 tsp. salt 
 1 tsp. active dry yeast

What to do:
*Dissolve 1 tbsp. active dry yeast to ½ cup warm water. Let froth and set aside for 10 minutes.
*Mix together remaining ½ cup water and butter. Then add eggs.
*Mix together all dry ingredients and make a well in the middle.
*Pour all liquids into the well. Mix well with the spoon.
*transfer to a board or table top to knead. Knead lightly for five minutes.
*Let the dough rise double for about an hour.
*Punch down and divide the dough to two.
*Flatten dough with hands on rolling pin into 9x12-inch rectangle on lightly floured surface.
*Divide in half the filling.
*Spread the butter, cinnamon mixture,(add nuts, if you want).*Roll up tightly, beginning at 12-inch side.
*Pinch edge of dough into roll to seal. Cut roll into slices.
*Place in pan (or cookie sheet or muffin tray).
*Cover, let rise in warm place for one hour or until double.
*Heat over 350 degrees.
*Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown.
*Remove from pan.

Ready to serve.
Try this to have a change in your family’s snack. You can serve this with fruit juice or cold drinks.

Source: Cooking with a cause cook book

Monday, September 13, 2010

Moroccan Pork

One thing I know about cooking is that, it must capture the appetite of the people. As a mother and a cook I’m always looking for a food that can capture my children’s appetite and attention when it comes to the table.

Again as a common thing, always searching for the right kind of menu at the web which offers lots of recipes. In doing so, I have discovered again another menu. When I tried this I’m glad because my family especially my husband and kids really like this menu.

Moroccan Pork
Photo credit: Google
What you need:
1/2 pounds boneless pork loin roast,
cut into 1-inch cubes
2 (16 to 19-ounce) cans garbanzo beans, drained
12 ounces plum tomatoes, cut into 1-inch cubes (about 2 cups)
1 large yellow bell pepper, seeded, cut into 1-inch squares
1/2 cup chopped red onion
1/2 cup golden raisins
2 tablespoons
tomato paste
2 tablespoons water
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 teaspoons instant chicken bouillon
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 tablespoons peanut butter
Hot cooked couscous (optional)
What to do:
Place garbanzo beans, tomatoes, bell pepper, onion, raisins, tomato paste, water, garlic, chicken bouillon and cumin in 5-quart slow cooker. Mix until well combined.
  1. Place pork slices on top of bean mixture. Cover. Cook on low heat setting 6 to 7 hours, or until pork is tender. Stir in peanut butter. Serve over couscous if desired.
A very simple and common recipe but when cook it will surely catch the appetite and attention of your family.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Best but Simple Menu

As a mother and a cook, I always think on what food to cook for my family especially when there is an occasion. My children would demand for the best food to serve to their visitors. Same as usual I would go on to the different websites of recipe and look for best cookbooks to help me with what menu to cook.

Here is one of the simple menu which I tried and their friends like this. I’ve taken this from allrecipe.com.
Best but Simple Lasagna
Photo credit: Google

What you need:
1 pound sweet Italian sausage
3/4 pound lean ground beef
1/2 cup minced onion
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes
2 (6 ounce) cans tomato paste
2 (6.5 ounce) cans canned tomato sauce
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons dried basil leaves
1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1 tablespoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
12 lasagna noodles
16 ounces ricotta cheese
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 pound mozzarella cheese, sliced
3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

What to Do:
  1. In a Dutch oven, cook sausage, ground beef, onion, and garlic over medium heat until well browned. Stir in crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce, and water. Season with sugar, basil, fennel seeds, Italian seasoning, 1 tablespoon salt, pepper, and 2 tablespoons parsley. Simmer, covered, for about 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally.
  2. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook lasagna noodles in boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes. Drain noodles, and rinse with cold water. In a mixing bowl, combine ricotta cheese with egg, remaining parsley, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
  3. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
  4. To assemble, spread 1 1/2 cups of meat sauce in the bottom of a 9x13 inch baking dish. Arrange 6 noodles lengthwise over meat sauce. Spread with one half of the ricotta cheese mixture. Top with a third of mozzarella cheese slices. Spoon 1 1/2 cups meat sauce over mozzarella, and sprinkle with 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese. Repeat layers, and top with remaining mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Cover with foil: to prevent sticking, either spray foil with cooking spray, or make sure the foil does not touch the cheese.
  5. Bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes. Remove foil, and bake an additional 25 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes before serving.

Try cooking this menu and I’m sure that your family will love it too.

Source: allrecipe.com

Saturday, September 4, 2010

As a mother, During Father's Day

As a mother, during father's day, I'm very much curios on what food to serve to my family in celebration with the occasion. I want my kids to recognize their father's effort not only on father's day but all the day. But of course, I give much focus during this occasion.

As I think over on what to cook, this recipe which I have read from one of the famous web enter to my mind and I decided to try this. As usual it brought great effect to my family.

Chicken Fried Steak with Cream Pork Sausage Gravy 
Photo credit: Google
What You need
4 cups vegetable oil for frying 2 links pork sausage
1 cup all-purpose flour 3 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon white pepper 2 ½ cups heavy cream
1 teaspoon garlic powder salt and black pepper to taste
3 eggs
1 clove garlic, mince
1 tablespoon copped fresh parsley
4 (4 ounce) beef tenderloin fillets, pounded thin
2 links pork sausage
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 1/2 cup heavy cream
saltand black pepper to taste

What to Do:
1.Heat oil in a deep-fryer or large saucepan to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

2.In a bowl, stir together 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon salt, white pepper, and garlic powder. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with garlic and parsley. Dredge each tenderloin fillet in seasoned flour, dip in egg mixture, and dip back into flour mixture. Shake off any excess flour.

3.Gently place the steaks into the hot oil, 2 at a time, and cook until golden brown on both sides, about 3 minutes per side. Drain on paper towels.

4.Place the sausages in a small skillet over medium heat, and fry them until very dark brown on all sides, about 10 minutes. Finely chop the sausages, and set aside. In the same skillet, melt butter, and stir in 3 tablespoons of flour. Cook the butter-flour mixture until it turns a pale beige color, about 1 minute, then stir in the sausage, cream, salt, and black pepper. Bring the mixture to a simmer, and cook until thickened, about 5 minutes. Serve sauce over the fried steaks.

A simple recipe but will make the family enjoy especially during father's day.
Source: allrecipe.com

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Eggplant is One of the Favorite

Eggplant is one of the favorite of my kids especially when it is fried. Everytime I go to the market I always buy eggplant because I know that when I cook any recipe with eggplant my kids would enjoy eating. Eggplant is their favorite vegetable and I serve this to them trice to four times a week.

Here is the menu which I use to cook and if you try this I know for sure that your kids will love it too.

Eggplants in Eggs and Flour
Photo credit: Google

Here's what you need:
½ kg.medium size eggplants
3 eggs
1 cup flour
salt and seasoning
1 medium onion
cloves of garlic

What to do:
Prick the eggplants with a fork and grill for 8 to 10 minutes in moderate heat until it is fully cook.
While grilling the eggplants, slice the garlic and onion, mix the eggs and flour, add salt and seasoning to taste, add the garlic and onion.
When the eggplant is cooked, remove from grill and remove the skin of the eggplants.
Flatten each eggplant by using a fork then put a little salt in both sides.
Heat the frying pan and put the oil.
Dip the flatten eggplant into your mixture. Be sure that every part is covered.
Fry the eggplant and turn to the other side when it is golden brown.
Continue on until all of the eggplants are cook.

Now this is ready to serve. To be more attractive you can serve this with sauce of your own choice.
Try this and for sure your kids will love and enjoy this simple ordinary recipe .